We'll continue to pursue the ideal massage chair.

Nin Co., Ltd. is a massage chair manufacturer with headquarters in Tokyo.

NIN Co., Ltd., we develop our massage chair by conducting thorough marketing research followed by development of the massage chair.

In the initial planning stage, we discuss internally what the ideal massage chair should be. Then we conduct marketing research to confirm if our customers will think the same. There are times when our ideal chair is different from the customer research, so we adjust to make sure we're aligned with what our ideal massage chair is and what our customers expect.

Since reaching an ideal massage chair is different from what any conventional massage chair, it is necessary to develop new technology to stay ahead. We will make full use of new technologies in our development.

At Nin Co., Ltd., we develop all the parts needed from a single component by creating products through repeated evaluation to make sure the massage movements are what we expect them to be. We measure and make sure the expected improvements to the body is realized. Also, we test for quality defects to ensure it meets our strict durability and reliability expectations.

Our goal for the massage chairs is to relieve stiffness, soreness and tension throughout the entire body, to eliminate daily physical discomfort and to help support a healthy life for everyone.

We believe that by using a massage chair every day, you will improve your blood circulation, raise your body temperature and make your body less susceptible to disease.